Friday, July 15, 2011

Oh what will I ever do!

I was so awesomely invited on a family vacation with a very nice family last week and of course I said yes! But there is one little problem. I will tell you this interesting story about how you should NOT speed over by Yogurt Land on Centennial Blvd.

It all started on a wonderful night. My sisters and I decided that we would love to go and get some AWESOMELY AWESOME yogurt. With that being said, we hoped into my 1997 Ford Ranger with bench seats in the back and headed to Yogurt Land. When we go there, the line was HUGE! ( I mean HUGE because the place was packed to the brim!). So we decided that we were just going to go ahead and head on back to the home front. So while I was taking the curve that said 25 mph, a cop in a little nook and cranny decides to pull me over. ( Thankfully this was my first ticket!). He should have just given me a warning. But no! Instead cars were going like 60 mph around that really dumb curve while I am sitting in my truck. Now may I mention that as soon as this had happened, my little sister burst out laughing. ( Yes it was Keygan.). So in turn we all had a nice laugh about mom and dad were going to kill me. ( But none of that was true. My dad was like Oh well stuff happens. My mom on the other hand was like Oh my gosh. She didn't talk to me for 30 minutes after that.). After I finally got home and had judgement day at my house, I started to worry really bad. I was laughing one minute and crying the other. It was not fun.

Because of this wonderful ticket, I have a court date that I have to go to. And that's not even the worse part. The worst part is that I will not even be home on that. I will be on a big boat somewhere in the ocean! So I told my mom that I was just going to go to court on Monday to take care of it. She said that I couldn't because the day that I was due in court is the day that I am due. I'm thinking GREAT I AM SCREWED!! I AM GOING TO GET ARRESTED IF I DON'T SHOW! While my mom is listening to my pathetic whine, she is laughing. She said that I won't get arrested! I was like phew! That's a relief because I might seem like I could handle it but there are some gross peeps up in there. ( I mean jail).

So this being said I now have to figure out what the heck I am supposed to do. I think that I may just call the courts on Monday and tell them that I really need an early court date.

By the way, this really sucks talking about this dumb ticket. It makes me seem like a bad person. Ok, I'm done!

Friday, July 1, 2011

What should I blog about? BANKRUPTCY? DODGERS? WHAT?

So, if a year ago if you would have told me that the Dodgers were going to go bankrupt, I would of been like " Yeah right!" If you would have asked me two months ago I would say , " Well no duh! They can't even get their finances right because of over spending and what not!" But here is the real truth ( this remember is according to me.). Frank McCourt is so dumb for letting his wife sign that prenup! This is the conversation that probably took place between Frank and his wife.

Frank: " Oh, hey there beautiful."
Wife: ( trying to ignore this weird looking guy). " Oh hey."
Frank: " Do you want to get married and sign a prenup?"
Wife: " That sounds AWESOME! What do I get?"
Frank:" Well, let's see what's mine is yours! You get half of everything."
Wife:" Oh.... That sounds good."
Frank:" Oh yeah and you also get half of the Dodgers organization."
Wife:" AWESOME!"

The whole time they are talking she is thinking of a way to figure out how she is going to destroy the Dodgers. ( Just a little note: She did exactly that!).
So now the Dodgers are in the process of being poor. What if they lose Vin Scully? I will seriously find out where Frank lives and toilet paper his house! But whatever! I'm done with this blog. I'm making myself mad!

Monday, June 20, 2011


In this post I will not list names of the people that released me in primary. For I would like them to have some privacy with who they are! Haha I am so funny!

This past Sunday I was released from my calling in my family ward. I was a primary teacher. And no offense to anyone else in junior primary but I HAVE THE MOST WONDERFUL KIDS IN MY CLASS EVER!! In my class there were times where I wanted to pull out my hair because they wouldn't sit down or they wouldn't listen to me. But there were times when I wanted to just hug all of them! And tell them how much I love them! So it will be hard to leave all of my kids. ( By the way they are my kids, they are not students! Quote I stole from my mommy!!).

Now it is bitter sweet because I finally get to meet people my own age and have actual conversations that don't consist of "Why?" or my all time favorite " Where do babies come from?"! So I will take a step ( What the heck am I talking about! I'm going to dive right in there and find me a hubby!! Just kidding!.....Really I'm just kidding!) into the young adult singles ward. I already know a couple of people so it won't be all that bad. So these things I will promise to you and to myself:

1. I WILL NOT BE SCARED! ( Who am I kidding! I am the biggest chicken in the world!).
2. The first conversation will NOT go like this:
  Me: "Hi." ( Nervous laugh).
  Hot guy!: " Ummm.. Oh... Hi."
( It will be much more rehearsed than that. Alot of time will be spent in front of the mirror!).
3. I will have faith that Heavenly Father will find me someone AWEOMESOMLEY AMAZING ( or is it AMAZINGLY AWESOME?),  to take to the temple.
4. And I will NOT cry in my car before I go into sacrament because I miss my class. ( Yes, I will. So I will not make this a completely complete promise. Which means I can't guarantee anything. Because for those who know me, I will!)

It's time for this girl to conquer the world! And find someone to hang with! (Yeah that sounds good... right? Hang with?!?).

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Younger Men...= Bad Idea!

So last night I went to Green Lantern with a boy that I used to work with. Let me tell you this now, he is 2 years younger than me. And it is very hard to understand why he is acting like a little child. Anyways, I told my little sisters who I was going with and they laughed. I will share the follwoing conversations with you.

Conversation one:
Zowie: You are going with WHO?
Me: Cody Sherer.
Zowie: You are going with someone that still sees a pediatrician?
Keygan: Does he go to the little kids dentist too? What is that one? Umm.... Oh yeah! Does he go to Just For Kids dentist? Oh and is it legal.
Me: That's not funny. ( Although I am sort of agreeing with them. And I am wondering why I am even going to the movie with him!). And yes its legal!
Zowie: Does he have to sit in a booster seat?
Me: No.
Zowie: Does he have his license?
Me: Yes.
End of conversation one.

Conversation two ( The morning after the movie):
Mom: How was it?
Me: The movie was great. Cody was being a jerk.
Mom: Well, don't you know that's how they are?
Me: Ok.
Keygan: Rylie, don't you know that it was technically a play date?
Me: Yes, I know.
Mom: (Laughing) Yeah a boy that still sees a baby doctor!
Me: Whatever.

Well, all in all, I do not think that I will put myself through that again. I don't like being called a baby snatcher or a caddle robber. And by the way, do not play 20 QUESTIONS! It was point less. And not very smart. The answers where like, "No, I wouldn't date you." Or my favorite " Oh snap you got burned!"

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


For those that know me, you know that I absolutley love BASEBALL! I don't like just any team though. I am in love with the LOS ANGELES DODGERS! And no I am not part of the bnandwagon either. I can and will actually hold a conversation about baseball if you would like. ( Maybe that's why some boys feel intimidated by me. It's because all I talk about is sports. And I actually know what's going on! SHOCKER!!). If you were to ask my mom, she would say that I am OBSESSED with the Dodgers. I ONLY have a blanket and a comforter (it is Dodger blue by the way) and I have little cubbies that are in the Dodger colors. The list goes on and on! It does. ( Hint. If you do not know what color Dodger blue is then look it up. If you ask me I will just look at you like you are not so smart.) To literally tell you about how much I love the Dodgers I will explain how this all came about. One day when I was little my grandpa had a baseball game on. Not knowing what it was, I stopped what I was doing and watched the game. The GAME itself intrigues and fasinates me. I don't know why but it does. Maybe its because of the mentality and patience that you have to have when trying to focus on the pitch that you are trying to hit, and not the thousands of screaming fans! Or maybe its due to the fact that it is THE BEST SPORT ON THIS PLANET! And it is AMERICA'S FAVORITE PAST TIME. ( Do not try and argue or debate the above facts with me, because I will school you!). So here are some pictures of my FAVORITE TEAM!

These are two of my favortie players. On the left is Matt Kemp. ( This season he has been a bison! He has 20 home runs and is all around awesome!). Matt Kemp plays in center field. Next to him is James Loney. ( He is a good hitter. He doesn't hit many homeruns but that doesn't matter. Fact:  He used to be a pitcher, but was instead drafted to be a 1st baseman.).

Next is Andre Ethier. He had a 29 game hitting streak. Almost the longest hitting streak in Dodger's history of the team. He plays in right field.

This is what would happen if Dodger baseball wasn't in my life. I would be sad and not fun! It would suck on many levels for everyone. I would be grumpy and just all around not nice. Just sayin!

P.S. I know that some DUMB Dodger fans beat a man into a coma this year when they were at opening day of the season. ( Against the Giants.). But don't let that ruin your love in baseball or this team at all!

Monday, June 13, 2011

I look like a LOBSTER!!

Ok, I should have listened to the nine year old that I was babysitting today! I let them go swimming in my pool today while their mom had some things to do. SO anyways, I had bathed the children in sun screen, when the nine year old had asked me if I was going to put on sun screen. I was like yeah don't worry! So I went about my afternoon. Then something clicked and I was like OH MY GRAVY, I FORGOT THE SUN SCREEN. So after all was said and done my poor shoulders look like I had red paint splashed on them. My face looks great! NOT! I look like a lobster! But hey, I'll be tan tomorrow! And by the way I still look HOT!! HAHAHA I crack myself up!

Monday, June 6, 2011


Here are some good times for today and also some bad times. Most will be bad times so I warn you now turn away and shield your children's eyes from the computer screen.

The thing that I really lose my temper on is when people constantly tell me what to do. Or they try to butt in when its not necessary ( Yes, I know. I did say this. If you really knew me, you would know that I do this often enough).  Don't worry I am totally capable of listening and doing as you say. I will only stop listening when you constantly tell me and won't stop telling me what to do. And when you think that you are the boss of me. I can't stand that. So today I was about to tell this one lady to CALM DOWN I HAVE IT UNDER CONTROL! Thank goodness I didn't though. But it has irked me all day. You do not need to make me feel like I am uncapable of doing things. Ok enough of that bad time how about a good time?

Today I registered for institute. As of last night I had no clue what this thing was. So when the parents that I babysit for had to tell me, I felt embarassed. So I went on the site and registered for institute on Thursday nights. So if anyone wants me to babysit, sorry I can't I'm learning about the D & C.

One more bad thing. I hate feeling like I don't belong. I hate it when all you say to each other are bad names that you think may not hurt one another but really they do. I so dislike this because it makes you feel like a piece of air that is nothing more in this world than a brisk wind that passes by.

Last thing ( I promise). I have a fear of being alone at certain ( ok I don't like being alone at all during any times of the day) times of the day. I don't like it. I can't explain this fear but it is not an extremely fun fear to have. I don't want to ever feel alone in this world. But I know that there is a time when I will need to go out in the world ALONE and without someone constantly by my side. I wish that didn't have to be.


Ok I am done for tonight. Sorry for this post being depressing or hard to read but that's just how I say it. I am forward about everything. No need to beat around the bush and lie because if someone can answer this next question, by all means go ahead. WHERE DOES BEATING AROUND THE BUSH AND NOT " TELLING IT LIKE IT IS" ( THIS ALSO MEANS LYING)  GET YOU IN LIFE?

I have the answer. Do you?